Injured in an accident?

Accident Help Jacksonville

is here to assist you!
24 Hours / 7 Days a Week

Contact Us(561) 376–8073

Introducing Accident Help Jacksonville

An accident is more than just the event in itself. Many personal injury victims won’t recognize that they’ve been injured right after an accident; they sometimes take days after the accident to realize that they are, in fact, injured. Days will pass until you’ve noticed that an accident will cost you more than you think. The medical bills, lost wages, repair costs, etc. This is why each accident should be handled by personal injury professionals.

Being in an accident, be it a car accident or slip and fall, can lead to a long and tedious journey. Unfortunately, victims frequently find themselves lost after an accident; they don’t know who to contact, what to do, where to go. Moreover, the responsible party will take advantage of your lack of information to manipulate you for their best interest, not yours. That’s what we are here for! Accident Help Jacksonville is here to ensure that your rights are always respected. We want to help you build a successful personal injury claim!


Personal injury Claims

If your injury was caused by the negligence of another, you may be entitled to compensation. You may think that a minor slip and fall injury or a minor car accident is nothing to worry about. The truth of the matter is that the consequences of these accidents aren’t always immediate. Never allow someone to convince you that your accident has no weight; there is a chance that you have a case! Therefore, following the appropriate steps is essential to make sure that you are compensated for your injuries and other losses.

That’s what Accident Help Jacksonville is here for!

car accident claims


Getting compensated after a car accident is more than just money. It is about getting your life back! Car accidents often lead to body injuries that you may not notice until later. A car accident compensation will ensure that your medical treatment is covered you can recover. Apart from the hospital bills, you can take into account car repairs, wages lost, and more. Elite Accident Help is ready to help you file your personal injury claim!

Slip and fall claims


Slip and fall accidents can be more serious than you think. Many of these accidents lead to fatal injuries, therefore, slip and fall cases should be treated seriously, as well. Building a strong case is what you need regardless of the magnitude of the accident. You may later realize that you received greater injuries and have to get medical treatment. Without compensation, getting proper treatment can be a struggle. Elite Accident is here to make filing your personal injury claim easier!

Accidents & Injuries

Depending on the magnitude of the accident, you may suffer different injuries; injuries that you may think don’t need any care. However, even the most minuscule accident may have its consequences, such as bodily injuries. Regardless of the magnitude, all cases should be handled with expertise!

Contact Us

At Accident Help Jacksonville we are ready to assist you with your personal injury claim!