Cars / Uber / LYFT





Ride services, such as Uber and Lyft, have become increasingly popular. The truth is they’re the better option when compared to drunk driving and other reckless behavior that cause other types of accidents. However, many individuals become the victims of Uber/Lyft accidents as they receive a more or less serious personal injury. And as these increase in popularity, it is important to know how to handle them in case accidents like these occur. Receiving accurate and timely assistance to file a personal injury claim correctly can earn you or your loved ones precious time.

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If you are involved in an accident while riding one of these services, it is important that you contact the authorities as soon as possible. Despite your conclusion regarding the magnitude of the accident, you should always report it. If you don’t report it to the authorities, the responsible party will not be held accountable.

Cars/Uber/Lyft accidents are also considered personal injuries. So, if you were involved in such accident, getting help from personal injury specialists is essential. Our team of experts are here to help you with your personal injury case!

insurance companies

Initially, Insurance companies will make their lowest offer and you should always decline it! Even better, our experts will talk to the insurance company and ensure that you’re not taken advantage of!

We will do the research, collect the evidence, and get all the required documentation so your car accident claim is successful.

need help after your slip and fall accident?

Our personal injury specialists know what you need for your slip and fall accident case to be a success. In an initial consultation, we will discuss the details of your case, find out if you have the evidence required, and what is missing to start the journey to your successful personal injury claim.

Need Help?

At Accident Help Jacksonville we are always ready to assist personal injury victims looking for expert help. Get in touch with us!

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(561) 376-8073


Jacksonville Metro Area