injured IN A
pedestriaN ACCIDENT?

Pedestrians are particularly vulnerable. Especially in Jacksonville Metro Area, where traffic is the most dangerous in comparison to the rest of the state. Evidently that means that we are all at risk of being in a pedestrian accident. Why? Because, at some point, we are all walking the streets of our communities.

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what to do after a pedestrian accident?

If you were involved in pedestrian accident, chances are that your injuries need immediate medical care. Call the authorities and report the accident, the most likely scenario is that they will call the proper health team to take care of you. If they don’t, make sure that you receive medical care as soon as possible. Even if you believe it is not necessary on that instant, a medical check up is essential for your health and your personal injury claim.

After getting your injuries treated, the next step is to get in contact with personal injury specialists. Our team of experts understands what needs to get done in order for you to get a successful personal injury claim.

insurance companies

Initially, Insurance companies will try to easily settle your case by making their lowest offer. This is not in your best interest, though! Let a team of personal injury experts handle your case.

We will ensure that the results of the case are best for you and nobody else! You deserve to get transparent and expert assistance with 24/7 support for your personal injury claim.

need help after your slip and fall accident?

Our personal injury specialists know what you need for your slip and fall accident case to be a success. In an initial consultation, we will discuss the details of your case, find out if you have the evidence required, and what is missing to start the journey to your successful personal injury claim.

Need Help?

At Accident Help Jacksonville we are always ready to assist personal injury victims looking for expert help. Get in touch with us!

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(561) 376-8073


Jacksonville Metro Area