Trucking Accidents

GET Trucking
accident Claim help

Trucking accidents, which by nature include heavier motor vehicles, tend to be tragic events that often result in fatalities. This is especially true if a smaller car was involved. If you or someone you love were involved in a trucking accident in Jacksonville Metro Area, get professional help as possible. Getting the proper help can be life-changing.

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It doesn’t require a rainy day or speeding for a trucking accident to happen. Trucks are heavy auto vehicles that are hard to drive; they’re heavier, bigger, have decreased breaking capabilities, etc. Annually, thousands of trucking accidents occur and they often result in the death of at least one of the parties involved.

Trucking accidents don’t only involve other trucks. Statistics show that trucking accidents also include crashes with smaller cars, pedestrians, motorcyclists, and more.


insurance companies

During your first negotiation, insurance companies will always make their lowest offer in hopes that you will accept it and the case will be easily settles. However, these insurance companies don’t have your best interest in mind.

Let our team of personal injury experts help you with your trucking accident claim. We will be there throughout the entire process to ensure that your rights are protected!

need help after your slip and fall accident?

Our personal injury specialists know what you need for your slip and fall accident case to be a success. In an initial consultation, we will discuss the details of your case, find out if you have the evidence required, and what is missing to start the journey to your successful personal injury claim.

Need Help?

At Accident Help Jacksonville we are always ready to assist personal injury victims looking for expert help. Get in touch with us!

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(561) 376-8073


Jacksonville Metro Area